Knowledge and attitude of the first year student at Faculty of Medical and Applicable Sciences at Yanbu governorate about some aspects of reproductive health.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecological nursing Faculty of nursing , Alexandria University, Egypt


The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge and attitude of the first year students at Faculty of Medical and Applicable Sciences at yanbu governorate about some aspects of reproductive health .Subjects and method ; An exploratory study and a Convenience sample ware used (all the students in first year of the faculty ). Data collection tools: A structured / questionnaire was used to collect students Knowledge about reproductive health and a likert - like scale was adopted to assess their attitudes towards reproductive health. Scores of knowledge and attitude were done. The result: reveled most of the study subjects shocked and cried as reaction during menarche. Also said that menstruation is spoiled blood the body get mid of it. There is a need for more improving student knowledge and attitude regarding RH through the following Recommendation Strengthen the RH component in the school curricula, the role of the families ,mass media ,and school accurate information about RH must be enhanced, a program to educate parents on RH issues should be carried out, teachers should be well informed about RH issues , so they can prevent some of the problems by means of carful and open education.
