Educational Management Program on Enforcement Autonomous Decision Making among Novice Graduate Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant lecturer in Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

2 Prof. of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 Assistant prof. of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University


Background: autonomous decision making (DM) is a positive concept for novice graduate nurses (NGNs) influencing job satisfaction, retention and quality of care. They have to exercise judgments and DM skills through learning DM process to act independently and autonomously. Aim: to assess, design, implement, and evaluate an enforcement educational management program on autonomous clinical and managerial decision making for novice graduate nurses. Setting: study was conducted at Tanta University and El Menshawy Hospital. Subjects: all (90) novice graduate nurses working in above mentioned setting. Tools: Three tools were used including decision making autonomy assessment scale, decision making and principles of autonomy knowledge test and educational enforcement program on decision making and autonomy principles. Results: Pre programs, all NGNs have low level of DM autonomy in clinical and managerial decisions and had poor level of knowledge about DM autonomy principles. Post program, (95.5%) of NGNs had good level of knowledge. NGNs (12.3% and 24.4%) had moderate level of managerial and clinical DM autonomy respectively. Conclusion: NGNs at two hospitals not having the authority and autonomy for making clinical and managerial decisions. Additionally, had lacking knowledge about decision making autonomy principles and facing organizational obstacles that limit their autonomy in DM. Post program, NGNs' knowledge and skills about autonomous DM improved. Recommendations: updating the structure of NGNs' job description including their involvement in decision making. Stress active managerial support to NGNs to improve their decision-making skills and become independent in clinical and managerial decisions