Situational Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Contribution To Promote Nursing Leaders Effectiveness

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master Degree of Nursing Administration

2 Prof. of Nursing Administration , Faculty of Nursing,Tana University

3 Prof. of Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts,Tanta University

4 Assistant. Prof. of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University


Background: Situational leadership demonstrated when the leader chooses behavior style suitable with maturity level of followers. Through emotional intelligence nursing leaders can focus on followers emotions as part of the leadership process. Aim: The aim of the present work is to study situational leadership and emotional intelligence contribution to promote nursing leaders effectiveness.Setting: The study was conducted at Desouqe General Hospital, Faysal Hospital, Tropical Hospital, Chest Hospital and Medical Center affiliated to Ministry of Health. Subjects: Head nurses(25) and their nurses subordinates(180). Tools: Four tools were used including leader effectiveness and adaptability description based on situational leadership, emotional competency profile scales, situational leadership and emotional intelligent knowledge test ,and an educational program for nursing leaders about situational leadership and emotional intelligence. Results: Nursing leaders level of knowledge regard situational leadership and all total emotional intelligent competencies improved post program than pre program. Post program nursing leaders participating leadership style has the highest probability of success style. Also the levels of nursing leaders effectiveness was promoted and rater readiness for situational leadership style were improved post program than pre program. Conclusion: nursing leaders at the studied setting need great attention to periodically attend program on situational leadership and emotional intelligence to keep their promotion of leadership effectiveness .Recommendations: Periodic attendance of educational and training programs for nursing leader and nursing staff about various leadership styles, and situational leadership skills and emotional intelligence competencies.
