Effect of Education Program about Psychiatric Outpatient Follow- up visit on Patient’s Awareness and Satisfaction of Outpatient Psychiatric Services

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

2 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 : Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Kafer El Sheik University.


Psychiatric patients’ awareness regarding importance of outpatient's services has acquired great importance. Patient satisfaction is playing an increasingly important role in quality of care reforms and health-care delivery. The study aimed to determine the effect of educational program about psychiatric outpatient follow- up on patient’s awareness and satisfaction of outpatient psychiatric services. Quasi experimental research design was used . The present study was conducted at psychiatric outpatient clinic at Tanta Mental Health Hospital. Sixty of psychiatric patients attended to outpatient's clinic for six month. Two tools were used to collect data for the study .Structured Interview for patients' awareness of outpatient services and Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, to assess client satisfaction with treatment. Results of the study indicated that. There was a significant relation between the patient’s level of satisfaction with outpatient's services before and after education program. It was concluded that the implementation of educational program about importance of outpatient services and follow up lead to improve the patient's level of awareness and satisfaction with these services. The study recommended Future research, to identify those specific factors, which this study could not probe into, to help devise plans for improving the service in accordance with expectations and needs of the patients and their caregivers, for better satisfaction with care and improved services.
