Effect of Computer Based Learning Regarding Airway Suctioning On knowledge and Skill Retention of Pediatric Nursing Students.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Tanta University

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 Professor of Pediatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University,

4 Assistant Professor ofstatistic science, Faculty of Science, Tanta University,


Computer-Based Learning (CBL) is an educational method that has been formed by combining computer technology and learning principles by oneself. The aim of this study was to design, implement computer based learning regarding airway suction and evaluate its effect on knowledge and skill retention of pediatric nursing students. A quasi experimental research design was used. The subjects: 150 pediatric nursing students in the third year, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. Materials and Method: Two tools were used to collect data: students' knowledge regarding airway suctioning and airway suctioning observational checklist. The Results revealed that the total scores of students' knowledge and practice for majority of study and control groups were unsatisfactory before teaching interventions and improved for both groups immediately, 2weeks, and 8 weeks with higher scores for study than control group. Conclusion: it can be concluded that there was a significant improvement in knowledge and skill retention of students studied with computer based learning method in relation to airway suctioning than students studied with traditional learning method. Recommendations: Medical and nursing education programs should adopt computer based learning in undergraduate education, and should support the introduction of computer based learning as an important step in curriculum development.
