Portfolio: How to Develop

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt


E-portfolio can advance self-coordinated learning and helping profession improvement. Medical attendants are in charge of remaining side by side of current expert information and dealing with their own vocation, proficient development and advancement, and in a perfect world, practices to help these exercises should begin amid their understudy years. Enthusiasm for electronic or e portfolios is gathering force as educationalists investigate their potential as a methodology for encouraging deep rooted learning and improving on-going individual and expert advancement. In this paper, we display an outline of e-portfolios and their application to nurture training, featuring potential advantages and contemplations of use. We contend that the e-portfolio can speak to a credible method for surveying intellectual, intelligent and full of feeling aptitudes. Moreover, the e-portfolio gives a method through which medical attendants can record and give proof of abilities, accomplishments, encounter, proficient improvement and on-going learning.
