Effect of Implementing Educational Program regarding Nurse Managers’ Performance in Human Resource Management on Nurses’ Job Crafting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

2 Prof. of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

3 Prof. of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

4 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt



Background: The nurse managers’ practices of human resource management in
healthcare organizations are critical to ensure that nurses are able to provide the
best possible care and increase their level of engagement and the ability to craft
their jobs. Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of nurse managers’
educational program regarding human resource management practices on nursesʹ
job crafting. Research design: Quasi-experimental study design was utilized in the
current study. Setting: The study was conducted at Tanta University International
Teaching Hospital, as well as El-Menshawy General Hospital. Subjects: All nurse
managers and a stratified proportional sampling of nurses (n= 355). Tools: Four
tools were used: knowledge questionnaire about human resource management
practices, human resource management practices self-report, observational
checklist of human resource management practices, and job crafting questionnaire.
Results: The vast majority (92.6%) of nurse managers had a high knowledge level
immediately post-program implementation, which slightly declined post-three
months of the program, while the majority (90.7%) of them had a satisfactory level
of all human resource management practices immediately and after three months of
program implementation. while the majority (87.3%) of nurses had a high
perception level of job crafting immediately after implementation of educational
program. Conclusion: There is a significantly improvement in nurse managers’
perceptions and practices regarding human resource management and nurses’
perceptions level of job crafting immediately and after three months of program.
Recommendations: Conduct regular periodical enhancement programs and
workshops for nurse managers to maximize their practices of human management.