Nurses Perception of Organizational Virtuousness and Identification as a Mediating Role of Community at Work

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Nursing Faculty, Minia University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Nursing Faculty, Minia University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Nursing Faculty, Minia University, Egypt.


Background: Organizational virtue refers to the commendable moral attributes of an
organization, which are seen as key to its success and vibrancy. Nurses who strongly identify
with their organization tend to cultivate positive attitudes toward both the organization and their
colleagues. Aim: The current study aimed to explore nurses’ perception of organizational
virtuousness and identification as a mediating role of community at work. Design: A descriptive
correlational design was carried out to achieve the study aim. Setting: Current study was
conducted at (Oncology Institute and Minia University Liver Hospital), Minia city, Egypt.
Sample: included the convenient nurses working at the two selected hospitals at data collection
time (n.=200). Tools: Three self-administered instruments utilized to collect data pertinent to the
study named Organizational Virtuousness Scale, Organizational Identification Scale and
Community at Work Questionnaire. Results: (77.5%) among the studied nurses exhibit a “high”
level of total organizational virtuousness and (76.5%) have “high” perception level of
organizational identification while (78%) report a “high” level of community in the workplace.
Conclusion: Perceived Organizational Virtuousness was positively correlated to both perceived
organizational identification and community at work in addition; a positive correlation found
between perceived organizational identification and community at work, correlations were strong
with high statistical significance. Recommendations: Frequent evaluations and continuous
training programs should be implemented to strengthen organizational virtues and identification
practices. Additionally, developing mentorship programs can help foster a sense of community
among nurses