Assess Nurse Managers' Management of Grapevine Communication among Nursing Staff

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Master student of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt. 2 Nurse Educator at Nursing School Kafr-El-Shiekh

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.


Background: Communication is an essential element in the success of any health care 
organization. Nurse Managers and staff nurses dissatisfied with unmanaged grapevine 
communication; therefore, nurse managers should understand the power of grapevine 
communication and play a proactive role in developing strategies to effectively manage 
grapevine communication. Aim: To assess the nurse managers' management of grapevine 
communication among nursing staff. Subjects and Method: Setting: The study was conducted 
at Tanta University Main Hospital. Subjects: Included (35) all nurse managers; supervisors, 
head nurses, and charge nurses and a simple random sample of 260 staff nurses. Two tools were 
used: Grapevine Communication and Nurse Managers' Management of Grapevine 
Communication Questionnaire. Results: 77.2% of nurse managers agreed that the causes of 
using grapevine are regarded to share information without check if correct or not, while 93.1% of 
staff nurses agreed that the causes of using grapevine are regarded to increasing the divide 
between senior management and nursing staff. Also 94.3% of nurse managers had highly 
management level of creating trust-relationship with the nursing staff, providing nursing staff 
with adequate access to information and elimination of information overload in the workplace. 
Conclusion: There is a significant positive correlation between causes of using grapevine 
communication in work environment and the management of grapevine among nurse managers. 
Recommendations: Hospital administration need to develop a system for transmission of formal 
and informal communication, to accept and interpret types of informal communication to be very 
beneficial. Nurse Managers keep effective communication practices and updating professionals 
often can build trust between managers and their staff and provide more opportunities for staff 
nurses to express their ideas and opinions