Effect of Competency Based Training Program on the Nurses’ Performance, and Self- confidence Regarding Antenatal Care

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt

2 Lecturer at Maternal and Neonatal Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt


Background: Effective prenatal nursing care is dependent on skilled and confident nurses
working in a well-equipped healthcare environment with a reliable referral system. Nurses
should advocate for comprehensive supportive care for women and prioritize the implementation
of high quality healthcare standards. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of
competency based training program on the nurses’ performance, and self-confidence regarding
antenatal care. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Setting;
held in four settings; the first two settings were at outpatient clinics of obstetrics and
gynecological departments at Tanta University and El- Menshawy hospitals, while the other two
settings are at EImbaby Maternal and Child Health and Sigar Medical Centers in Tanta City, El-
gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Data were collected using three tools: Tool (I); Nurses'
knowledge regarding antenatal care questionnaire was included three parts. Part I: Nurses'
socio demographic characteristics; Part II: professional history of studied nurses; and Part III:
Assessment of nurses' knowledge regarding antenatal care. Tool (II); Nurses' practical
observational checklist regarding antenatal care. Tool (III); Nurses' self-confidence
regarding antenatal care. Results: Nurses' knowledge, clinical performance, as well as self-
confidence concerning antenatal care were high after the implementation of competency based
training program. Conclusion and recommendations: Competency based program was
effective at enhancing the nurses' knowledge and practice concerning antenatal care which
translated into higher confidence scores. Hence, this program should be conducted continuously
and adopted to enhance and refresh nurses’ performance and confidence in other different
maternity nursing subjects.