Effect of Recreational Activity Program on Older Peoples Quality of Life and Activities Daily Living at Helwan District

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, Egypt

2 Assistant professor of Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

3 Assistant professor Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, Egypt



Background: Recreational activities enrich life and provide to have a pleasant time as well as
increase older people life quality. Aim: The current study aimed to assess Effect of recreational
activity program on older people quality of life, and activities daily living at geriatric home
Helwan District. Method: A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The study was
piloted at Huda Tallat Harp, Omklsom and El Saida Nafisa geriatric home Helwan District. A
purposive sample was used to choice a total number of 80 participants, representative the
attendant's pre mentioned setting. Tools: one tool was used as structured interview that covers
five parts as Part I: demographic characteristic, part II: older peoples' knowledge, part III: World
Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL), part IV: Elderly mobility scale (EMS) and
part VI: Barthel Index of activities of daily living (pre and post). Results: This study displayed
statistically significant enhancement in older peoples' knowledge, quality of life, mobility and
activity of daily living (72% poor and 27 % fair to 2.5% poor,22.5% fair and 75% good) (32.33
± 15.47 to 51.08±14.17) (11.46±6.75 to 15.74±5.32) (14.41±6.66 to 19.57±5.27), respectively
pre vs. post program with (p<0.05). Conclusion: The current study exposed importance of
recreational program for older people to enrich their knowledge, mobility level, activity of daily
living and quality of life. Recommendation: Adapting and continues application of
recreational activity program in geriatric home and clubs to improve older knowledge and
quality of life.