Effect of Health Teaching for Mothers on Quality of Life for Their Children with Rheumatic Arthritis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Tanta University, Egypt. 2Nursing specialist at Tanta University hospital,Egypt.

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Tanta University , Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.

4 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.


Background: Rheumatic arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune progressive disease affecting one 
percentage of the general population Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health 
teaching for mothers’ on quality of life for children with rheumatic arthritis. Design: A quasi
experimental design was used to conduct this study (pre &post- test). Setting: the study was 
conducted at Pediatric Rheumatic Fever Clinic of Tanta University Hospital. Subject and 
method: A quasi-experimental research design was used with a convenience sample of 60 
mothers and their children with rheumatic arthritis. Data were collected using three tools: tool 
(I) Structured Interview Schedule sheet: it was be divided into two part: part (A) Socio 
demographic characteristics of studied mothers and their children, part (B) Mothers’ 
knowledge and practice about rheumatic arthritis (Pre/Post):  Tool (II) Quality of life 
domains for children with rheumatic arthritis (Pre/Post). Tool (III) FLACC behavioral pain 
assessment scale (Pre/Post). Results: The results revealed that more than a third of the total 
score of knowledge about rheumatic arthritis at pre- education compared to less than three 
quarters of them at post education, and one third of them had good total quality of life at pre
education compared to more than half of them at post education. Also, one third of them had 
mild pain at pre-education compared to that more than half of them at post education. 
Conclusion and Recommendations: it can be concluded that after health education was 
implemented, the quality of life for children with rheumatic arthritis improved. Establish 
continuous educational and training program for children and their mothers about rheumatic 
arthritis are recommended to increase their knowledge, quality of life, and management of 
RA and prevent its complication.