Effect of Health Education on Mothers’ Knowledge and Practice about Care of Children with Epilepsy and Administration of Antiepileptic Drugs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master students in Pediatric Nursing department , Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt. 2Teacher at aboHommos nursing school for boys -Behira

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing , Tanta University,Egypt.


Background; Epilepsy starts in childhood in 60% of cases and Most of the clinically significant
aspects of the disease occur during childhood. Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder,
characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. The mothers play the most significant role in
helping their Epileptic children adapt to their condition. The present Study was aimed to
evaluate the effect of health education on mother's knowledge and Practice about care of children
with epilepsy and administration of antiepileptic drugs, Subjects and Method: A quasi-
experimental research design was used in the present study, the study was Conducted at the
pediatric outpatient neurological clinic at Tanta University hospital and Abo Hamous General
Hospital which is affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Population on sixty mothers and their
children with epilepsy. Result: There was statistically significant difference was found between
total knowledge and practice Pre, Post and Follow up Conclusion: It can be concluded that there
was positive significant improvement of mother knowledge, reported practices about care of
children with epilepsy and administration of antiepileptic drugs after implementing health
education.Recommendation: Continuous health education should be applied for mothers at
outpatient and providing updating booklets , pamphlets to acquaint them with essential knowledge
and practices about care for their children with epilepsy and administration of antiepileptic drug