Humble Leadership Style as Green Human Resource Management: Nurses’Organizational Trust and Work Resilience

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing- Minia University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing- Minia University,Egypt.


Background: The cultivation of humble leadership skills is crucial for fostering and preserving the
direct organizational connection among nurses while also bolstering organizational trust and promoting
the resilience of nurses in their work.The research aimed to examine the relation between humble
leadership style, organizational trust, and nurse work resilience. Design: A cross-sectional analytical
research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Minia University
Hospital and an obstetric and pediatric hospital which are affiliated with the Ministry of Higher
Education and Scientific Research. Subjects: A convenient sample was used in the current study; their
total number was 222 nurses. Tools: Humble leadership style practices scale, Organizational Trust Scale,
and Resilience at Work Scale (RAW-S). Results: The indicated findings revealed that the majority of
nurses exhibited an elevated disposition towards a humble leadership style, nearly two-thirds had a
moderate level of organizational trust, and most of them demonstrated resilience in their work
environment. Also, a fair, positive association was found between organizational trust and work
resilience. Conclusion: A humble Leadership Style as green human resource management effect
positively affects organizational trust and work resilience. This is achieved through the establishment of
trust among staff nurses, which in turn serves as an indicator for fostering healthy relationships and
promoting resilience in the workplace. Recommendation: Managers, nurses, and human resources
professionals can all benefit from advice on how to establish rapport with patients and coworkers in a
healthcare setting, and administrators of healthcare facilities should prioritize fostering positive
relationships between different departments.