Mothers’ Knowledge and Perception toward Short Stature of Their Children and Its Effect on Quality of Life

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing specialist, Comprehensive outpatient clinic/ Tanta University, Egypt.

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing/ Tanta University, Egypt.

3 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing/ Tanta University, Egypt.


Short stature is a global problem in children. It's important to make early identification and 
treatment according their causes with participation of parents in the treatment plan to improve 
their quality of life of their children. The study aimed to assess mothers' knowledge and 
perception toward short stature of their children and its effect on quality of life. Subjects and 
Method: A descriptive research design was used. Setting: It was carried out at Pediatric 
Endocrine Outpatient Clinic of Tanta Main University Hospital. Subjects: All of mothers and 
their children (106) with short stature. The study was conducted at pediatric endocrine 
outpatient clinic of Tanta Main University Hospital. Three Tools were used to collect the 
required data: Tool I: Structure Questionnaire sheet of mothers’ knowledge, Tool II:
Mothers' perception regarding short stature and Tool III: Quality of Life in Short Stature 
Youth. Results revealed that mothers had low level of knowledge and perception and half of 
children had poor quality of life. The study concluded that short stature children had poor 
quality of life that prevent him from doing things, exposed to negative comparison, and affect 
on their parents. The study recommended that establishing educational programs for 
mothers to improve their knowledge toward short stature of their children