Perceived Social Support and Its Effect On Psychiatric Patients' Recovery


1 Lecturer, Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt

2 Assistant professor, Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt


Background: Social support is an important element in the recovery of clients with psychiatric disorders. There is a lack of studies investigating the relative impact of factors related to social support. Disentangling these could enhance recovery for psychiatric patients. Aim: The current study intended to explore the relation between perceived social support and recovery among patients with psychiatric disorders. Subjects and Method: Design: A descriptive correlational research design was used. Setting: Port Said Psychiatric Health and Addiction Treatment Hospital. Subjects: The studied subjects compromised 90 patients with psychiatric disorders. Tools: Data were collected by the use of three tools namely, a personal and clinical data questionnaire, a Multidimensional scale of perceived social support, and a Recovery assessment scale ̄domains and stages. Results: Most of the psychiatric patients in this study had low perceived social support. Participants had a mean total recovery score of 76.10 ± 20.08. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that there was a positive statistically significant correlation between perceived social support and recovery for psychiatric patients. Recommendations: Enhancing social support while caring for psychiatric patients is recommended to regain recovery. Further studies are needed to improve recovery for psychiatric patients