Design Program about Accreditation Standard to Enhance Staff Nurses' Documentation Performance in Intensive Care Units at Tanta International Teaching Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing,Quality coordinator Tanta University Hospital,

2 Professor , Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 Professor, Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

4 Assistant Professor, Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University


Background: Nursing documentation, as legal and professional documents, are valuable tools for accrediting hospitals; and all hospitals seek to identify factors that contribute to the improvement of these records by considering accreditation standards. Aim: This study aimed to design program about accreditation standard to enhance nurses' documentation performance at Tanta International Teaching Hospital. Subjects and Method: Study design: Quasi experimental research design. Setting: The study conducted in three Intensive Care Units (ICUs) at Tanta International Teaching Hospital. Subjects: All (n=90) nurses, and sample of 300 patient charts randomly selected. Tool: Two tools were used to collect data (I) Staff nurses' knowledge about accreditation standards for patient care documentation questionnaire, (II) Audit nursing documentation in patient chart checklist. Results: preprogram more than half (54.4%) of staff nurses’ showed fair level of total knowledge about accreditation standards for patient care documentation and the rest were at poor level, post program levels of staff nurses' knowledge about all domains of accreditation standards for patient care documentation were significantly improved at (p= 0.001). Preprogram none of staff nurses' were at good level of total performance documentation against accreditation standards for patient care significantly improved to be all were at good level post-program. Preprogram none of staff nurses were at good level of documentation against manual for JCAHO’s accreditations significantly improved to be all have good level post-program. Conclusion: Staff nurses' documentation knowledge and performance were statistically significantly improved after implementation of the designed program about accreditation standard for documentation. Recommendations: Maintain periodical in-service program to staff nurses about accreditation standards for patient care documentation and Manual for JCAHO’s to maintain their improved knowledge and performance levels