Communication Barriers with Parents regarding Reproductive Health Issues from the Adolescents’ Perspectives in Alexandria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator, Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

2 Professor, Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

3 Assistant Professor, Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Communication between parents and adolescents regarding sexual and reproductive health issues is difficult and facing challenges and barriers for both parents and adolescents. Aim of the study: was to identify communication barriers with parents regarding reproductive health issues from the adolescents’ perspectives in Alexandria. Subjects and method:Study design: Descriptive research design was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted in 8 youth centers in Alexandria. Subjects: A random sample of 450 adolescents were selected by proportional allocation method. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used for data collection. The first tool was used to identify socio-demographic characteristics related to the adolescents and their parents. The second tool was used to assess the adolescents’ knowledge regarding reproductive health and puberty changes as well as the importance of communication with parents about reproductive health issues. While, the third tool was used to measure the barriers of adolescent-parent’s communication about reproductive health issues and the effects of poor communication. Results: The vast majority of the studied adolescents had poor level of knowledge about reproductive health issue and less than two thirds of them did not communicate with their parents about reproductive health issues, while less than quarter of them had many barriers against the communication with their parents about reproductive health and less than one quarter of them had major physical effects of poor communication. Conclusion: Poor adolescent- parent communication about reproductive health issues is a major problem among adolescents which may have serious implications on them. Recommendations :It is essential to maintain open and comfortable communication with adolescents on regular basis about reproductive health issues.