Relation between Health Locus of Control and Foot Self-Care for Elderly with Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Specialist at Technical Institute of Nursing

2 ProfessorCommunity Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

3 Professor Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

4 Lecturer Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University


Background: Health locus of control emerged as a strong predictor of foot self-care in diabetic elderly as it plays a major role in educating elderly about foot self-care. The aim of the study: -was to assess the relation between health locus of control and foot self-care for elderly with type II diabetes mellitus. Subjects and Method: Study design: A descriptive study design was used. Study setting: This study was conducted at endocrinology and diabetic clinic at Al-Shamla clinics of Tanta University. Study subjects: A convenience sampling was utilized. The total number of the studied subjects was 230.Tools of data collection: Four tools were used. Tool (1): structured interview schedule which included three parts: - part (1): Socio- demographic characteristics of the elderly, part (2): Medical history, and part (3): Knowledge about foot care. Tool (2): The Simplified 60 Second Diabetic Foot Screening. Tool (3): Diabetic Foot Self-Care Behavior Scale. Tool (4): Multidimensional Health Locus Control. Results: More than three- quarters (75.2%) of the studied elderly had an unsatisfactory practice, 79.93% had an internal health locus of control, 76.00% had a powerful health locus of control, and 65.17% had a chance health locus of control. Conclusion: The study concluded that there was significant relation between health locus of control and foot care of the elderly. Recommendations: This study recommended that, nurses and counselors should focus on the locus of control in their interventional courses and programs to enhance internal locus of control to improve foot self-care practices