Effect of Resilience Intervention on Nurses' resilience and Psychological Problems during The COVID-19 Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University

2 2Assistant professor of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Department, Faculty of Nursing , Dmanhour university

3 Assistant professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University


  Background: Nurses are vital resources for every country. Their mental health and psychological wellbeing are crucial not only for continuous and safe patients care, but also for control of any outbreak. Resilience can be described as the ability to get better after difficult life experiences or overcome change or disasters. So, it is important to help nurses for building their resilience. Objective: the study aimed to evaluate the effect of resilience intervention on nurses' psychological problems, and their resilience during time of coronavirus pandemic. Setting: the present study was conducted at two settings in Tanta city, Egypt: Psychiatry, Neurology,&, Neurosurgery center  that is affiliated to Tanta University,  and Al-Minshawy General Hospital that is affiliated to Ministry of Health and Population. Subjects: 70 nurses who are caring for patients with corona virus. They were selected by using convenience sampling design. Tools:  three tools were used to collect the necessary data:Socio-Demographic Questionnaire developed by researchers, Four Dimensional System Questionnaire (4DSQ)  was developed by Terluin .B (2012), and Connor - Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) was developed by Connor &Davidson (2003) .The participants divided into small groups and attended eight sessions of resilience intervention through zoom cloud meetings. Results: there was a statistically significant improvement in nurses' resilience & psychological problems after the intervention, Also, a statistical significant negative correlation was found between resilience and all psychological problems. Conclusion: resilience intervention is proved to be effective in improving nurses’ resilience and psychological health. Recommendations: Continuous training intervention that targeting and enhancing resilience are important to be planned and implemented to improve psychological wellbeing among frontline nurses who are caring with patients infected with corona virus.
