Effect of Application of Learning Package Guidelines on Knowledge, Symptoms Severity and Quality of life among Patients with Cytomegalovirus Colitis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Adult Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of nursing, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt

2 lecturer of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University,Qena, Egypt

3 Assistant professor of critical and Emergency Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Irbid national University

4 Lecturer of Anatomy and physiology, Faculty of Nursing Irbid national university

5 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt


Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) pertains to the family of Herpes virus and is DNA 
double-stranded virus that affects around 70% of people worldwide. Purpose: The purpose 
of the current study is to determine how a learning package guidelines affected patients' 
knowledge, severity of symptoms, and quality of life with CMV colitis. Methods: A quasi 
experimental research model (pre- post test & follow up) has been utilized to conduct such 
study. A purposive sample of 60 adult subjects confirmed with cytomegalovirus colitis have 
been recruited in the current study. The following four data collection instruments were 
utilized: Instrument I: Interview assessment questionnaire composed of 2 parts; Part I: 
Patient's demographic characteristics data; Part II: Patient's knowledge questionnaire about 
CMV.Instrument II: Cytomegalovirus virus colitis - severity symptom scale. Instrument III: 
Cytomegalovirus virus colitis -QOL questionnaire. Instrument IV: L earning package and 
non-pharmacological regimen. Results: Post implementation of learning package enhanced 
patients' knowledge of CMV colitis, with significant variations pre/post and pre/follow-up 
scores (P<0.001*). Furthermore, there were very statistically significant differences in mean 
scores of symptom severity for CMV colitis patients pre, post, and follow -up learning 
package. Post and follow-up learning package guidelines implementation resulted in 
significantly higher mean scores on CMV colitis-QOL subscales compared to pre
implementation (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Patients with CMV colitis have noticed a decrease 
in the severity of their symptoms and an improvement in their quality of life after applying 
learning package is implemented. Recommendations:Patients' awareness of 
the CMV colitis symptoms and its related factors should be raised which support its 