Effect of In-service Training Program on Obstetric Nurses , Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Painless Labor

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Maternal and Neonatal Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

2 Assistant professor of Maternal and Neonatal Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt


Abstract: Painless labor is the most trend topic among pregnant women nowadays. Inadequate 
knowledge, negative attitudes, and lack of training among obstetric nurses' were major obstacles in 
implementing effective painless labor. Aim of the study: Determine the impact of in-service 
training program on obstetric nurses' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding painless labor in 
addition to identify the perceived obstacles related to painless labor among the studied nurses. 
Subjects and Method: A quasi-experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was 
carried out at labor units Tanta University and El-Menshawy General Hospitals. Subjects: All 
nurses (60) who are working at the previously mentioned settings were included. Four tools were 
used: Tool (I): Obstetric nurses' knowledge questionnaire regarding painless labor, Tool (II): 
Obstetric nurses' attitudes regarding painless labor,Tool (III): Nurses' practices observational 
checklist toward painless labor and Tool (IV): Obstacles that prevent the use of painless labor 
methods among obstetric nurses. Results: obstetric nurses' level of knowledge, attitudes and 
practices post implementing the in-service training program regarding painless labor was highly 
improved than pre implementation. Also, the main obstacles that hinder the use of painless labor 
were; hospital policy in the health care system, difficult of method application among nurses, and 
unusefulness of painless labor methods related to patient obstacles .Conclusion: Application of the 
in-service training program achieved significant improvement in obstetric nurses' knowledge, 
attitudes and practices related to painless labor. Recommendations: Reapplication of the in-service 
program in other geographical areas in Egypt regarding painless labor.